Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Little Known Facts

I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Angelosity, http://angelosity.blogspot.com/ and she put out a challenge that I thought I would take. List 100 little known facts about yourself and then do a scrapbook page with those facts. Now I don't know about the scrapbook page, seems like a lot of work, but I'll surely try. So from now on I will let you all in on a little known fact about myself until I get to 100. It might be hard coming up with that many but you never know, I might just surprise myself. Thanks Angel for the challenge.....
Fact #1....When I was born I was the second girl, so when the doctor told my mother what she had he simply said, " It's a girl, just a repeat". From that day on my nick name was "Pete". Cute, huh?
Come back tomorrow for another gem. Thanks for stopping by..Rita

1 comment:

Angel said...

I LOVE learning these little facts, don't you! That one is funny!